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muMs is an award-winning New York City based Poet and a member of the Labyrinth Theater Company.


muMs the Schemer ===> Schemer: fiend, foe, friend, fear, /swallower of your fear, /blasphemer, /dreamer…. /to hold, to have, to be in a condition akin to, to victory he prevails! /A mathematical or philosophical diagram representing the astrological aspects of the planets, emotions and intellect on scales, /teller of your tale /in a letha-phorical outline, /a concise examination crafty and secretive in sign, /a systematic and organized chaotic plot. /I am muMs the schemer and you, are not. ===> The first ‘m’ is lower-cased /concerned with race /and small manipulative matters of that sort: /the things in our face /that bleed into our heart. /The ‘u’- also small- leads me to look to the sky, walk there the edge of a shore equating to particles of sand, stars, the moon. To be under all that which is bigger than me lead’s to the second ‘M’ capitalized for the manipulation /of that that from which all shall begin /and again /from when /we least expect. /The ‘S’ is the trick: the hush of it all. /The control over what we discuss, beckon or call /or plural to represent the many that know /or just that the path is a windy road? /No matter, it also is small. ===> muMs, the schemer and echo-er of it all.

welcome to a new day --goRealer

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paradox of the Urban Cliché

What a run we have been having! The cast is phenomenal! The director is patient and highly effective as is all the designers!

This process has been grueling, arduous and whatever cool word that can be synonymous with difficult. But the result is just breathtaking!!

I love theater! Film could never replace the energy that is created from the stage. I wish I could harness it to have it run my life.

hmmm... maybe I can, maybe I can....

Come see the last five performances of Paradox of the Urban Cliche starting tonight Wednesday May, 26th at 9pm thru Saturday May 29th and Sunday the 30th at 7pm. you will be transfixed. yeah I said it!


Paradox of the Urban Cliche @ Cherry Pit Theater, 155 Bank Street